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- Rebirth Of Nationalism Arouses Concern in Greece
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- Foreign Broadcast Information Service, April 8, 1992
- Greece: Rebirth of Nationalism Arouses Concern
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- <p> [Editorial Report] Athens TO VIMA TIS KIRIAKIS in Greek on 15
- March publishes on page A6 an article by Nikos Marakis on the
- recent rebirth of nationalism in Greece, stemming from Greece's
- refusal to acknowledge the existence of the "Republic of
- Macedonia"--called the Skopje Republic in the Greek press--on its northern border. After citing a number of examples to
- illustrate his point--students of an Athens school
- unexpectedly eager to participate in the celebration of Greece's
- independence day, a jeweler selling out of lapel pins
- representing Philip of Macedon's star symbol, and publishing
- houses scrambling to publish works dealing with Macedonian
- issues or present-day disputes--Marakis quotes Chamber of
- Deputies President Athanasios Tsaldharis as acknowledging the
- "meteoric rise of nationalistic feelings in Greece." According
- to Marakis, the phenomenon initially stemmed from a "systematic
- effort," led by Minister of Foreign Affairs Andonius Samaras and
- a group of his advisors, with the approval of others such as
- deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Viryinia Tsoudherou, the
- Northern Greece supporters of Minister to the Prime Minister
- Sotiris Kouvelas, and a number of New Democracy (ND) deputies
- and party officials. According to Marakis, Minister of Defense
- Ioannis Varvitsiotis is ideologically close to this ND "front,"
- which has also received "quick" support from St. Papathemelis,
- a Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) official in Northern
- Greece and from PASOK luminary Th. Pangalos. Marakis adds that
- support is not limited to top officials: "Scenes of impressive
- reconciliation" between ND and PASOK members occurred in many
- municipal councils in Northern Greece in light of a "renewed
- immediate danger from the North" and a number of trade unions
- have also joined the movement.
- </p>
- <p> Noting that "propaganda from the top" would have been
- insufficient to create such strong feelings, Marakis quotes a
- "pivotal" member of the front as saying "the Greek people have
- been affected for years by a deep crisis of values and identity
- and have lacked a vision...We provided an answer...and the
- people adopted it." Marakis quotes Saaaras' reply to close aides
- counseling more caution toward the "Skopje Republic": "Were I to
- agree to a compromise, even in name, the Furies would pursue me
- for the rest of my life." Samaras' Macedonian policy, however,
- is being criticized even by some of his friends, who find it
- "ultimately unproductive."
- </p>
- <p> The "exacerbation" of nationalism, Marakis continues,
- initially surprised Prime Minister Konstandinos Mitsotakis, a
- "steady supporter of flexibility in international developments,"
- whose disagreement with some of his foreign minister's
- initiatives was not expressed publicly. Another dissenter is
- former Minister to the Prime Minister Miltiadhis Evert, who was
- "among the first to notice the probable dangers" renewed
- nationalism entails. His views are shared by Ministers Andreas
- Andrianopoulos and Stefanos Manos. In addition, former Minister
- of Industry Stavros Dhimas has recently taken Mitsotakis' side
- in a number of "friendly conversations" with other ND officials.
- However, Marakis points out, the nature of the issue denies both
- Mitsotakis and Samaras a margin for maneuvers. The confrontation
- between the two men can be measured by Dora Bakoyianni's strong
- reaction against the foreign minister, whom she accused of
- exerting a "catastrophic influence" on Greek foreign policy.
- According to Marakis, some top ND and government officials
- expressed their anxiety at a recent meeting in the prime
- minister's office, stating that "the crisis that may result from
- a probable rupture between Mitsotakis and Samaras is endangering
- the government." Mitsotakis reportedly agreed with them.
- </p>
- <p> To allay these concerns, Marakis continues, a number of
- mediating initiatives are being taken by advocates of both sides
- of the nationalism debate. ND officials A. Sgardhelis and Th.
- Bekhrakis, Minister of Public Order Th. Anagnostopoulos, PASOK
- official N. Kaklamanis, and Democratic Renewal (DI.ANA) leader
- St. Stefanopoulos are attempting to find a solution that would
- be acceptable to the prime minister and his foreign affairs
- minister. Among these would be a "discreet" Samaras move to
- another ministry to overcome the problem without a public
- confrontation. While the chances for a successful initiative are
- limited, Marakis concludes, consultations are continuing, with a
- possible government reshuffle in April, a solution that is
- gaining increasing support within the prime minster's entourage.
- </p>
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